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  • Wuhan Zeolite Technology Cn.,Ltd

  • Phone:027-87782225


  • Address:4-3 Plant, Huading Industrial Park, Chuangye Avenue, Gedian Development Zone, Huarong District, Ezhou City

The current position

1650 ℃ bell type furnace

发布日期: 2019-04-25   点击次数:2172


1650 ℃ bell type furnace, the top will be split between silicon molybdenum rods installed position, prevent craze of overtemperature, side wall using multiple pieces of staggered joints patchwork

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All rights reserved:Wuhan Zeolite Technology Cn.,LtdRecord:鄂ICP备18005918号-1

Address:4-3 Plant, Huading Industrial Park, Chuangye Avenue, Gedian Development Zone, Huarong District, Ezhou City